Methacrylic acid, abbreviated MAA, is an organic compound.
This colorless, viscous liquid is a carboxylic acid with an acrid unpleasant odor.
It is soluble in warm water and miscible with most organic solvents.
Methacrylic acid is produced industrially on a large scale as a precursor to its esters,
especially methyl methacrylate (MMA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA).
The methacrylates have numerous uses, most notably
in the manufacture of polymers with trade names such as Lucite and Plexiglas.
MAA occurs naturally in small amounts in the oil of Roman chamomile.


Textile processing : Sizing
Leather technology : Binding, Tanning agent
Ion-exchange resins : Water treatment
Cosmetics : Thickening agent, Suspending agent
Oil-well drilling : Drilling-mud additive, Anti-caking agent
Paper industry : Filler-retention aid
Industrial-waste treatments : Suspending agent, Flocculating agent
Transportation : Skid-proof tires
Rubber industry : Creaming of latex
Agriculture : Solid conditioners
Others : Coating, Adhesive